If you’re reading this article right now, you may very well be in the difficult position of not having a gift or a plan for Mother’s Day. Don’t worry, many of us fall into this position every year. Finding a unique gift that shows your appreciation to the mothers in your life that they haven’t already received year after year is a huge challenge. Finding something to do on the day itself is also a big hurdle.
We are here to help. If you are still wracking your brains looking for something to do or something to give to make this Mother’s Day special, we have some last-minute suggestions.
1. Breakfast in bed
Perhaps the most classic Mother’s Day experience that many of us perfected as kids, there is a reason that breakfast in bed never goes out of style. Even if you are a full grown adult, a home-cooked meal will always be appreciated.
2. DIY Gifts
A simple search of “Mother’s Day” gifts will show endless pages of the same tired trends: Birthstone jewelry, cookware, and beauty products. While the women in your life might love any of these gifts, year after year your mother may very well be drowning in birthstones.
An easy way to sidestep the trap of tired Mother’s Day gifts is a DIY project. This is one of the few times where it really is the thought that counts. Make a photo album, give your best shot at a piece of art, or even make a customized coffee mug. As long as it is coming from you, it will make for a great gift.
3. Handwritten letters
The most meaningful gifts come from the heart. While the woman in your life might appreciate a big, fancy gift that she can appreciate every day, writing a heartfelt letter that expresses your love will always be unique and special. Furthermore, this is a gift that she can read again and again for years to come.
4. A Day Out
Thankfully, Mother’s Day comes in the middle of May when the flowers are blooming and the weather is warm. Planning an outdoor activity is the perfect way to celebrate her on the day. Go on a hike, take a trip to a lake or a beach, or even have a picnic at the park. This doesn’t have to be an elaborate trip, but rather a chance to spend time with the women you love and show some effort in planning a nice trip.
5. Flowers
Do we even need to explain it? Flowers are always a great gift, and you can pick up a beautiful bouquet as late as the day of Mother’s Day. Just remember to pick out your mother’s favorite flowers, or at the very least include some of her favorite colors.